Saturday, September 22, 2012

Seven Principles for failing forward

(1)"Reject Rejection"
Achievers who persevere do not base their self-worth on their performance.On the countrary, they have a healthy self-image that's not dictated by external events. when they fall short, insted of lebeling themselves a failure, they learn from mistakes in their judgment or behavior.

(2) Don't Point Fingers

When people fail, they're often tempted to blame other's for their lack of success. By pointing fingers, they sink into a victim mentality and cede their fate to outsiders. When playing the blame game, poeple rob themselves of learning from their failures and alienate others by refusing to take responsibility for mistakes.

(3) See failure as Temporary

people who personalize failure see a problem as hole they're permanently stuck in, whereas achievers see any predicament as temporary. One mindset waloows in failure, the other looks success by putting mistakes into perspective, achievers are able to see failure as a momentary event, not a symptom of a lifelong epidemic.

(4) See Realistic Expectations

Unrealistic goals doom people top failure for instance,of a person hasn't exercised for

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